Articles in this category How do I cancel my membership to Mondo Club? We'll certainly miss you if you go, but if you must, just submit a quick ticket letting us know that you'd like to cancel and we'll get you taken care of. Be sure to factor in approximately 48 hours ... I accidentally purchased the same course twice It tickles us happy that you're so excited to take this course that you've purchased it twice! It's an easy fix, just submit a quick support ticket letting us know that it happened and we can do one o... I thought I paid the promo price, but it’s showing the full price instead! You most likely paid the promo price! Inside your Curious Mondo account it always shows the actual course price rather than the promo price you paid, however, on your card statement you will see the a... How do I get my member discount? Upon registering for the Mondo Club an email containing your member number was sent to you. Use that magical number during checkout to get your discounts! Put it in the “Special Code” field and then h... How Do I Change My Payment Method? It's quick and easy to update the card on file for an upcoming subscription payment. Simply fill out this $0-zero dollar order form and we'll make sure it gets updated: Do You Offer Payment Plans? Yes, for orders above $95 we offer a 2 times payment plan (50% today, and 50% in 30 days.) It does not work with PayPal payments. Since this is a financing option, no refunds, and missed payments will... Does My Club Membership Auto-Renew? Subscriptions renew automatically at the end of each pay period (monthly or annual.) You can cancel your membership at anytime. To do so, submit a quick ticket requesting cancellation. Due to the natu...